July 11 CRVL Special Meeting Minutes
Minutes from the July 11 special meeting about the recruiting practices of Green Isle.
Meeting was called to order by President Dave Sell at 7:08 pm.
All members of the Crow River Valley Leagues were present, save for inactive member
Norwood Indians.
President Sell briefly outlined the intended procedure for the meeting. The three teams that
called the meeting would have the floor first to state their case and any other clubs that wished
to speak up during this time would be allowed. Then Green Isle would be given their
opportunity to rebut and present their information.
Stephen Wiblemo (Glencoe) began the discussion pointing to the written hand out given to all
teams via email and also provided at the meeting. Specifically, talking about the recruiting of
players. Doug Schuette (Brownton) asked for clarification on the Chanhassen issue, it was
explained that Chanhassen added 5 players to their roster from the Victoria Vics (a B Team)
and the best Pitcher from Belle Plaine.
Stephen Wiblemo pointed out that Green Isle has not broken any rules as they are written in
the MBA rule book, but raised the question is what Green Isle doing to acquire players in the
spirit of Class C or town team baseball? Stephen referenced the pattern of rostered players
coming from outside of 20 miles from Green Isle and specifically Minnetonka/Excelsior.
Josh Monahan (Watertown) spoke regarding the reaching out to get players “Is it good for
town team baseball?”
Stephen referenced that the state board is looking for the leagues to make the first move and
bring those concerns to the state board for them to then act upon.
After further discussion came to a conclusion, Green Isle was afforded the opportunity to
Zach Herd began by asking the entire group, “What is your 5 year plan for your teams?”
Then, “What is your definition of recruiting?” He continued to speak about the great tradition
and history that Green Isle has with its amateur baseball team. He stated that Green Isle is
focused on continuing in that tradition. He then spoke to the scope of the roster, and stated
that kids want to come and play for us. He also commented about what is the long term goal
for amateur baseball. Further discussion ensued between the members, and Stephen Wiblemo
spoke again to the point of the essence of Class C. He posed the question back to Green Isle
and the group, “Why isn’t what you do considered class “B”?”
Zach Herd then spoke to the effect that all the clubs in the league have access to the players
that Green Isle is signing. There was mention of other rosters, Plato specifically and Stephen
responded that Plato’s roster is very different from Green Isle’s. Plato has 3 or 4 players that
did not attend the GSL School District, the rest are all home town players.
Brian Hartmann then spoke regarding the Green Isle roster pointing out how long a player had
been with them and where they came from. The group asked Green Isle if the new state board
roster point system would require them to go “B”? The response was that the parameters are
not set yet, but they may have to cut players next year to stay “C”. Brian Hartmann stated that
he did not believe their roster was a “B” roster. “Can we compete with Mac (Zachow) or
Alex (Twenge) on the mound maybe, but over the long haul it would be very difficult.”
As the discussion subsided at this point President Sell spoke of the three scenarios that would
need to be decided at this time. These items were discussed by the officer prior to the meeting
commencing. 1) Do nothing at this time and then everything stays as is, 2) a motion would
need to be brought forward that the league write a letter to the State Board with the league’s
recommendation to move Green Isle to Class “B”, 3) vote to remove Green Isle from the
Stephen Wiblemo (Glencoe) moved to have a vote for the league to request the state board
move Green Isle up to Class “B”, seconded by Josh Monahan (Watertown). In the discussion
Rich Schug (Hamburg) requested that the vote be a roll call vote, and Stephen Wiblemo
requested to have a closed ballot vote. There was much discussion regarding these two
options. President Sell informed the group that we would be putting the current motion on the
side, and entertain a motion on how to vote on the existing motion.
Rich Schug (Hamburg) moved to have a roll call vote by the secretary for the purpose of
voting on the previous motion, Scott Kohls (New Germany) seconded. There was no
additional discussion, by voice, motion carried.
At this time the meeting returned its focus to the first motion and prepared to vote. The group
asked for a 5 minute recess to allow the members to think about how they would vote, or call
their individual clubs for clarification. The recess was granted.
The meeting was resumed at 8:22pm, there was some additional discussion prior to the vote.
President Sell called for the roll call vote and Secretary Kuerschner randomly read off each
team’s name and recorded their vote:
Mayer – Yes Carver – No Brownton – Yes New Germany – No
Cologne – No Glencoe – Yes St Boni – No Green Isle – No
Watertown – Yes Waconia – No Hamburg – No Winsted – No
Young America – No Plato – No
Motion failed by a tally of 10-4
There was one other item of business that Secretary Kuerschner brought to the group. The
Hutchinson/D-C State Tourney Hosts contacted the league this past Friday regarding
advertising in the game program for this year’s state tourney. Options were $125 for a
business card size ad, $145 for a 1/6 th page ad and $165 for a ¼ page ad. Jeff Monahan
(Watertown) moved to provide an ad in the 2016 State Tourney program for the ¼ page price
of $165, Adam Dammann (Plato) seconded, motion carried.
There being no further business President Sell called for a motion to adjourn, so moved by
Rich Schug (Hamburg), seconded by Stephen Wiblemo (Glencoe), motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32pm
It was noted that the playoff meeting will be held in Young America following the games on
July 24 th .